Rear view mirror car flags Jamaica Jamaican unity flagz for inside the car For Sale
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Rear view mirror car flags Jamaica Jamaican unity flagz for inside the car:
Jamaica Jamaican rearview mirror car flags unity flagz for inside the car
Rear view mirror mini banners flags forthe car Unity Flagz™
·ApprxSize:3 ½ L x 5 ½ H x ½ W
·Madeand Assembled in USA
·Uflagz® aresmall handmade hanging ornaments that consists of two, three and up to fourcountry flags united together. Symbolizing unity between them, held by acrafted small piece of wood with the letters 'THE BEST OF' burned into itrepresenting a person or a couples Best of Both Worlds. Made and assembled inUSA.
The materials used for our flags are industrialgrade hard card stock, UV ink, protected with and industrial grade thick UVcoated plastic lamination adding an extra layer of protection, extending thelife and colors of this product 10x more than the original fabric square minibanners, united by two pieces of wood with the letters THE BEST OF burned intothem and HEMP string as the cord used to hang the flags. Giving the Unity Flagza handmade natural look! Build your own custom Unity Flagz™ combinations.
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