Andover Seminarian Friend Supports South, Dies After Port Royal Plantation Work For Sale
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Andover Seminarian Friend Supports South, Dies After Port Royal Plantation Work:
DAVID BOWE (1833-1862)graduated from Yale College and Andover Seminary just before the Civil War. Research shows that Bowe died of typhus at theseminary after working on a plantation, as superintendent, in Port Royal, SouthCarolina. Bowe would spend a portion of 1862 at Port Royal before contractingthe disease. He went into a coma on aboat while coming back to New York City.
Offering three ALSs by Bowe, eightpages total, 5 x 8, written in August and September of 1860, while attending UnionTheological Seminary in Andover, MA, to his friend William Anderson. The letters cover everyday matters, includingowing his friend money for his portrait, with a reference toward politics ofthe day, referring to them as “foggy.”At the time, the nation was struggling with slavery on the eve of the CivilWar. Bowe suspects that his friend Anderson has Southern leanings.
In small part, August 30, 1860: “Ibelieve you hold a small note against me for the balance due on my picture andif you will write me and tell me the amount of the note with interest…I willsend you the amount…I believe you thought of coming this Summer. If I have tosend it South I shall send it by Express…
September 6, 1860: Enclosed is theamount due you, $11.37, with which please accept my most hearty thanks for thelong delay…I would complete the interest, but not wishing to be the passiverecipient of a ‘thrashing’ or to adopt the unministerial alternative of afight, I have considered discretion the better part of valor and accordinglysend you ‘merry’ interest…I have been farming this summer but am going away tothe Seminary again in a few days…What do you think of politics! Looks foggy don’tit! I suppose you are able to take somewhat of a Southside view of the matter. I wish I could spend a year at the South. Ishould like it much…”
September 24, 1860: “…I am in Andover.I was not certain of coming here when I wrote you last as it depended on causesbeyond my control but I am much pleased with the Sem[inary]…”
Folds, toning and holes punched inthe left margin for storage. Veryreadable.
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