Stockbridge, Vermont, New England USA

About Stockbridge, Vermont

Windsor County
Chartered: July 21, 1761 (New Hampshire Grant)
Area: 29,471 Acres = 46.05 Square Miles [ Size Rank: 52* ]
Coordinates (Geographic Center): N 43° 47′ W 72°46′
Altitude: 734 feet ASL
Population (US Census, 2010): 736 [ Population Rank: 197* ]
Population Density (persons per square mile): 16 [ Density Rank: 216* ]
Full Census Info: Town County State

*Area, Population and Density rankings refer to Stockbridge’s relative position among Vermont’s 255 civic entities (9 cities, 242 towns, 4 gores and grants). Complete rankings are here.

Most of the grantees were residents of Massachusetts, so it seems certain that the town was named for that Stockbridge, which in turn had been named for the old English town of Stockbridge, Hampshire, where the name refers to a bridge for the use of farm animals. When its namesake in Vermont was granted, Stockbridge in Massachusetts already was well known because of missionary efforts among the Indians which had been made there earlier in the century by Jonathan Edwards and others.

A few years later Vermont gave a grant of land (which happened to be in New York) to some of the Stockbridge Indians who had been displaced from their Massachusetts lands. The Indians sold that grant, which became the origin of Marshfield.

The village of Gaysville derives its name from the families of Daniel and Jeremiah Gay, who settled in Stockbridge quite early. One of Daniel’s sons, Merrick, secured the post office for Gaysville and served as its postmaster for almost thirty years. He also was town clerk for more than twenty years, and for another ten represented the town in the Legislature. The woolen mill at Gaysville was one of the Gay family enterprises.

Activities & Points of Interest

Goings-on in and near Stockbridge
Calendar of Events provided by the Vermont Department of Tourism & Marketing.

Stockbridge-Gaysville Historical Society

Contact Info

Emergency Services (Statewide): 911
Hospital: Gifford Medical Center (Randolph) 802-728-7000

Town Clerk: Catherine Brown PO Box 39 Stockbridge, VT 05772
T-Th 8-4:30; F 8-12


Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union 802-234-5364
Stockbridge Central School 802-234-9248

Neighboring Towns

This is a basic geographic reference, intended to show relative location of adjacent towns. Directional accuracy is limited to 16 compass points. There isn’t even the slightest suggestion that one can necessarily travel directly from one town to the next (as in “You can’t get there from here”).









Notes about utilities:

  • One electric or phone company indicates that company serves the entire town. More than one of either indicates each serves different areas of town.
  • A listed cable company MIGHT mean the entire town is covered, but not necessarily. More than one listed indicates each serves different areas of town.
  • Unless your area is one served by Vermont’s only gas utility, your only option is bottled gas (any dealer).
    Electric Green Mountain Power 888-835-4672
    Telephone Fairpoint 866-984-2001

Antique John Sergeant House Stockbridge Mounted Architecture Photo Massachusetts picture

Antique John Sergeant House Stockbridge Mounted Architecture Photo Massachusetts


Vintage  And Antiq.Berkshire Hills MA Pittsfield Stockbridge book and pamphlets picture

Vintage And Antiq.Berkshire Hills MA Pittsfield Stockbridge book and pamphlets


N1 MASSACHUSETTS Postcard Stockbridge Main Street Remembered Regi Klein Artist picture

N1 MASSACHUSETTS Postcard Stockbridge Main Street Remembered Regi Klein Artist


The Red Lion Inn Stockbridge Mass 10.5 Plate New Year's Eve 1999-2000 Germany  picture

The Red Lion Inn Stockbridge Mass 10.5 Plate New Year's Eve 1999-2000 Germany


Red Lion Motor Lodge Stockbridge,MA Berkshire County Massachusetts c1960s picture

Red Lion Motor Lodge Stockbridge,MA Berkshire County Massachusetts c1960s


West Stockbridge MA Pleasant Valley Motel Postcard Massachusetts picture

West Stockbridge MA Pleasant Valley Motel Postcard Massachusetts


Stockbridge Massachusetts MA Veranda Red Lion Inn Hotel Albertype c1920s-40s PC picture

Stockbridge Massachusetts MA Veranda Red Lion Inn Hotel Albertype c1920s-40s PC


Stockbridge Massachusetts c1950's Stockbridge Playhouse, Summer Theater picture

Stockbridge Massachusetts c1950's Stockbridge Playhouse, Summer Theater


Stockbridge Mass TOM CAREY MAIL CARRIER with Horse & Carriage Photo Postcard P6 picture

Stockbridge Mass TOM CAREY MAIL CARRIER with Horse & Carriage Photo Postcard P6


Stockbridge MA-Massachusetts, Children's Chimes, Vintage c1910 Postcard picture

Stockbridge MA-Massachusetts, Children's Chimes, Vintage c1910 Postcard
