North Carolina Asheville Veterans Hospital 1959 to Greensboro NC For Sale
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North Carolina Asheville Veterans Hospital 1959 to Greensboro NC:
An aerial view of the Veterans Administration Hospital near Asheville, dedicated to tuberculosis treatment. Addressed to Charles Gravall in Greensboro NC, includes personal note about health and well-wishes.
Please inspect the scanned postcard image for condition. All cards are sold as is. Payment is due within 3 days of purchase or we may re-list it for other buyers. Please note we offer VOLUME DISCOUNTS (2 for 10%, 3 for 15%, 4 for 20%, and 10+ for 30%) so please check out our massive store selection. We have 1,000s of cards in stock with views from nearly every state and country, all used with messages, stamps, interesting postal routes, and more. Thank you so much for visiting postal*connection, you are appreciated.
PS - WE BUY POSTCARDS! Top prices paid for good collections.